Sakai City store
Address of Head Office | 119-1 Keana-cho, Naka Ward, Sakai City, Osaka Prefecture, Japan |
TEL | (072)273-6067 |
FAX | (072)275-1402 |
Business hour | 9:00〜20:00 (Open until 21:00 during festival period) |
Regular holiday | Year-end and New Year holidays, Golden Week, Obon holidays |
Corporate Sales Department
TEL | (072)273-8793 |
FAX | (072)275-1422 |
Business hour | 9:00〜17:00 |
Regular holiday | Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, year-end and New Year holidays, and Obon holidays |
e-commerce website
TEL | (072)284-7113 |
FAX | (072)284-7231 |
Reception hours | 11:00〜17:00 |
Regular holiday | Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, year-end and New Year holidays, and Obon holidays |