About us

Company nameAichi Co, Ltd.
Address of Head Office2-40-25 Toriishi, Takaishi City, Osaka Prefecture, Japan
┗ Sakai City store119-1 Keana-cho, Naka Ward, Sakai City, Osaka Prefecture, Japan
┗ Corporate Sales DepartmentTEL:(072)273-8793/FAX:(072)275-1422
┗ e-commerce websiteTEL:(072)284-7113/FAX:(072)284-7231
EstablishedApril 1959
CEOKiyoshi Furusawa (Birth date 15.8.1979)
Number of EmployeesAichi Group 21 employees
Affiliated organization堺商工会議所、神戸商工会議所 会員 
高石商工会議所、青年部 会員 
(一社)堺高石青年会議所 2016年度理事長 
豊友経営研究会 和歌山支部所属 
日本青年会議所 物販部会 初代部会長 
自衛隊信太山駐屯地 絆支部役員 
日本JCセネターズクラブ 常任幹事
Major CustomersGovernment offices, Companies, schools, Festival supplies stores, consumers, temples
DepartmentStore, Corporate sales, e-commerce website, Work San-ei Corporate sales
ProductUniforms, Work gloves, Work clothes, Work supplies, Safety supplies, Sanitary supplies, Event supplies, Festival supplies, Novelty production, Souvenir product planning, , Print
Company nameWork San-ei Ltd.
Address of Head Office5-1-15 Rokkocho, Nada Ward, Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan

Sakai City store

We opened our doors in 1982 as a work clothes shop.  

Always striving to carry the latest products, the shop is favored by local residents for its outstanding selection of high-functional air-conditioning wear, high-quality safety shoes and well-designed casual work clothes. 

We also have the “Aichi Matsuri Kan” next to the shop, where festival goods can be purchased all year round.  

We have an enormous selection of festival goods for sale, including trouser-type loincloths and festival tabi, and our festival experts are on hand to provide friendly and courteous service so that anyone can shop at ease.  

The only company in the industry that buys and recycled sales of trouser-type loincloths, festival tabi and breastplates no longer needed at home. 

Shop manager
加納 譲二

Corporate Sales Department

We were established in 2002. Our office is located on the second floor of our Sakai City store.  

We receive requests from corporate customers for accounts receivable, delivery, dispatch and sales. With our mobility, we respond to various needs, from work clothes and work equipment to festival goods, in the spirit of ‘kindness, politeness and willingness’.  

We also outsource part of our business to Work San-ei Ltd.

一ツ松 真由美

e-commerce website

You can purchase our products 24 hours a day on our own website, Rakuten Market and YAHOO Shop. We also have customers from all over Japan visiting our Sakai City store, Matsuri Kan, through our e-commerce website.  

We have a wide range of products from workwrar to festival goods. 

谷 規秀

Work San-ei Ltd.

Located in Nada-ku, Kobe, our business was transferred to a corporation founded in 1954, which became part of the Aichi Group in June 2023 and simultaneously converted from a retail to a sales format.  

Under the sales consignment of Aichi Co, Ltd, the company conducts sales of work clothes, uniforms and novelty goods to end-users.  

Furthermore, we plan and produce souvenirs and original confectionery for temples. 

Kiyoshi Furusawa

Greetings from the representative

My name is Kiyoshi Furusawa, CEO.  

I became representative in 2002 as the third generation.  

The Aichi Group was founded in 1959 in Takaishi City. Until today, we have overcome the oil crisis, the Heisei era recession, the Lehman shock and the covid19 crisis to become ‘Japan’s No. 1 festival company spreading its wings to the world’.  

In addition to the sales of military gloves, work clothes, safety goods and other goods since the foundation of the company, our mission is to create connections between people, the revitalization of towns, the growth of people and towns, and the inheritance and development of traditional culture created by local Shinto rituals, festivals and events from the perspective of the SDGs.  

Our philosophy established in 2009, ‘Grow and prosper together with harmony’, is positioned as the Aichi Group’s highest criterion for decision-making, and the ‘heart of people’ is always at the center of our management. Together with our staff, customers and partners, we will continue to manage our business with a commitment to continue contributing to society. 

a fine day in Aug 2008

Aichi Group
Aichi Co, Ltd. 
Work San-ei Ltd. 
Kiyoshi Furusawa

At the time of establishment

Established in 1959. 

My father Michiharu from Gamagori City, Aichi, opened a manufacturing and wholesale business of military gloves in Takaishi City, Osaka, under the trade name Aichi Gloves.  

At that time, with my mother Mieko, he worked from morning till night on a semi-automatic glove knitting machine, producing a total of about 20 dozen gloves as a home manufactory. 

He peddled the products to neighbor factories by bicycle.  

Blessed with ten children (five boys and five girls), every day was like a festival, with the whole family working together on production, housework and childcare.